Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just a Bit out of it this evening...

My workdays are 95% fast-paced, detail-oriented, and include a wide variety of tasks. It can be pretty high-stress. I had a deadline today, like I do every Thursday, which is when the wedding and engagement section that I work on is due. This week's story is the wedding of the year. It's kind of cool that I got to go, got to interview the couple, and will have so many people locally who are interested in reading what I have to say about it. It is ridiculous that someone would spend $150,000+ on a wedding, but I guess there are worse things to spend one's money on, if one has enough to burn like that.

All of the hullabaloo has my brain a little fried.

Switching gears, I have 3 new books that have come in the mail this week. I've been casually interested in studying spirituality, particularly Eastern spirituality and religion, for a long time. I just don't know what resources I should use. I bought "A History of God" and "The Great Transformation", both by Karen Armstrong. Those are more general interest I think. Then I bought "Yoga: A Discipline of Freedom" , which is supposed to be one of the best modern translations of ancient yogic text. I figure it's a realistic attempt at finding information at the source.

Will try to keep all posted on these seekings and readings, although I can't promise when I'll have the time and brain power to do so. Probably will take a couple of weeks...

1 comment:

  1. My Life journey has taken me more towards Spirituality than it has Religion... I'm not sure what the difference is, but I know what I feel. I am not familiar with these books, but I will check into them.


